It all started out here: meme material showing Olympic divers' grimacing faces, contorted by concentration and gravity.
From This is How Olympic Divers Really Look While Diving |
Some clever dude thought "constipation and gravity" however...
Constipation and Gravity: from Reddit |
The comments on the toilet post were even more hilarious:
- Good form. Good execution. Oh, bit of a splash there; he'll get penalized for that one.
- Cannonball!
- Sloppy entry from what should have been an explosive manouvre.
- They're just wiping away the competition!
- Just look at that
- I think I see a bronze medal coming out of this effort.
- I don't wanna see what's coming out of that effort
- The smell of bronze was thick in the air...
- Silver! I suggest more iron in his diet... I've never seen one so pale.
- Oh, wait...that's a trophy....ouch
- Ooh, a little shaky on that entrance. But just look at that form!
- And that's the single scoop strawberry cone with a chocolate dip! Brilliant maneuver
- It's the tension that gets you...
- Waited till the last minute, rookie mistake.
- They push themselves to the edge; and just hang there a bit.
- "My god Bob, that entry was near-flawless. Puts us in pole position ahead of China!
- "Not exactly vertical, Steve, but I believe the effortless execution will keep them in gold territory."
- Fake. No one poops without a smartphone.
- And the walls are white...for now.
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